Desires is a new type of card game. Instead of having some lame card-game designer create the characters, it is up to you! Any person (or thing) you can imagine can be apart of the game! So, put your creativity to the test, who is on this journey, and what do they desire?
Your goal is to align your characters with their objectives before any other player! If at any point all your characters have their item, declare the end of the game, you have won!
Start of Game:
All players place all item cards face up on the table.
Write an assignment of each of your characters to a chosen item card on a piece of paper. Shuffle all item cards up.
Take turns placing location cards.
Deal out all item cards into all the locations.
- Each character in the game takes their turn in “initiative” order. (roll a dice to break ties at the beginning of the game to determine this order)
- They take their three actions, then, at the end of that turn, play moves to the character next in initiative order.
[a]- if a character is “fainted”, instead of taking their turn, remove one counter from their fainting tracker.
- every character has the following stats:
- speed
- attack
- health
- charisma
- initiative
- characters can hold one item at the end of their turn.
- Each character can take 3 actions per turn.
- from any deck in this location, draw 1 card and place it on the character who just searched.
- if there are no face down cards, take from the bottom of the face-up discard pile.
- move one item from the taking character from another character you control.
- This can occur between players, if both controlling players agree.
- interrogate (free, takes no actions).
- if you have higher “aware” stat, take one item from a character in the same location.
- revive a fainted character in the same location as you
Ending Turn:
- discard down to one item card per character.
- When discarding at a location, place the cards face up next to the deck of cards at that location.
- you may use one action to move “speed/2” (rounded up) locations away.
- Each player places two location cards on the board.
- Locations are placed in a line, when placing a location, you must place it adjacent to an already placed location (growing the line).
- All remaining item cards are divided between all location decks.
- for one action, you may declare that your character attacks any other character in the same location.
- deal damage equal to your character’s attack to the target character’s health. Damage is dealt in damage tokens.
- the other character attacks back, dealing their attack to your character’s health.
- At the end of the current character’s turn, all damage is healed.
- if any character has more damage tokens than health, they become “fainted”.
- remove all damage tokens from fainted character
- place three fainted tokens on the fainted character
- fainted characters take no actions and can not be attacked.
- any other character in their location can pick up the gear of a “fainted” character.
- any other character in their location can choose to resuscitate that character, then are no longer “fainted”.
- if your character has higher charisma than another character, you may interrogate that character’s controlling player for one of known item locations.
- For example, if my character Mike needs the carrot card, and my character Sally needs the “hat” card and the “hat” card has been revealed in the Forest (face up in discard pile) and the carrot card in the field, I can say “Forest” (or “field”). If a character holds a card, you may say that character’s name.
- If you know no locations of any of your objective items, you can say “I do not know.”
- Any character, even with a lower charisma stat, can interrogate another character in the same location for the number of characters which currently hold their objective item.
- For example, if my character Mike needs the carrot card, and my character Sally needs the hat card, and currently Mike is holding the sword card, and Sally holds the hat and the carrot card, I would say “one”.
[a]would it be best for players to take turns? Is it a strategy to space your characters initiative vs having them all go in order?